Mike on the bike

Mike on the bike
Mike! on ya bike

Friday, 2 September 2011

Port Sampson

Port Samson
We have been in Port Samson for 4 nights and as my last post noted we meet up with some great people on the first night we were here. Two great couples from Perth who are of similar ages to us and as you guessed it we have all got on really well. We managed a spot of fishing, some relaxing, a few bad jokes and quite a bit of drinking together. We had a nice meal out at the tavern but the boys did say the beer was a bit pricey. They “recon” its due to all the big money jobs that the miners are on, pushing up the cost.. oh! that an that there is only one pub in Port Samson. A schooner cost $10.80!!! You can however drive 10 km to Wickham and buy a slab of gold for less than we pay in QLD. Go figure! Prawns on the other had are a good price. $70 for 5 kilos, so we went shares with another couple Glen and Mal. Yummo.. Haydn, Teresa, Dolly and Graham helped us cook up some on the BBQ and the rest we made a big pot of Tom Yum Yum Yum.

The caravan park is lovely here, green grass and beautiful views over the point and lighthouse. We got a bit eaten by sandflies on a fishing trip to old Cossack town but generally around Point Sampson they aren’t too bad.
This morning Pip woke me all excited “look mum look at the clouds in the sky” the sunrise was reflecting off the clouds and looked amazing over the point. I laughed, as it has been about 3 months since we last saw a cloud in the sky. It’s this end of Oz should be running the slogan “Beautiful one day perfect the next”

Well all our friends have moved on so it’s off sight seeing today. We took a drive to Karratha and also to the Gas mine. Bloody amazing how they do this stuff and the plant is HUGE. Pip got a really education today. We also passed these pools of water on the side of the road .. not actually sure what they are but they look like salt pools ???? will have to ask a local. We have a couple of more nights here then its Barradale free camp overnight before we get into Exmouth. Too far to travel in one day. 

I’ve told Pip she can swim with the whales while we are there and she is so excited.
It will probably cost an arm and a leg (not literally I hope) but well worth it so we hear. Well guys happy fathers day for tomorrow, and we’ll catch you in Exmouth.

p.s Sorry we couldn’t make it to Kilkivan this weekend McCullys. We know it would be hard, but hope you had a great time without us hahaha!

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